Training Programme

Training Programme on Making Dan, Chutka, Kaalin in Our College

  • Our college has started a training programme on making dan, chutka, kaalin in our college, under Chief Minister Navachar Yojana, Govt. of Uttarakhand. In this programme, 49 students have been enrolled and two expert trainers are teaching the enrolled students how to make traditional items of Uttarakhand like dan, chutka, kaalin, shawl, woolen winter cap, woolen socks etc. It is a new concept to give emphasis on indigenous culture of Uttarakhand.
  • The purpose of this training programme is to give the students pleasure of learning to make the traditional items like these and to create career opportunities as well. So, after completing their graduation, if some of the girls desire to become self-independent or to open a start-up, they can do so after completing the programme successfully. In this way, financially-backward communities of this hill will be uplifted.
  • The local start-ups, if carefully executed, will also open job opportunities for the local girls. In this way, social and financial condition of the local communities may be elevated. Their standard of living will be enhanced after they become financially solvent. This place attracts thousands of tourists annually. So, marketing or selling of the items will be no problem. Moreover, the Union Government also encourages these local start-ups for selling indigenous items by funding them on regular basis.