Student’s Corner

Feedback and grievance redressal:

The students can give feedback of the college and can get their issues resolved through grievance redressal cell. Students are advised to approach the In-charge of Grievance Redressal Cell (as mentioned in the list of committees) for getting their grievances addressed.

Code Of Conduct

Code of Conduct is drawn up to ensure proper and smooth functioning of the institution, and to preserve the goodwill and reputation of the college:

  • Students are forbidden from ragging. Affected students must report all instances of ragging to the college authority. They should write a letter of complaint and put it on the Principal’s desk. Ragging is a serious criminal offence that involves severe punishment in the form of rustication from the college or penal action or both.
  • Every student has to carry Identity Card with his/her photo affixed on it and duly attested by the Principal. Identity Card must also be carried by the students into the Examination Hall, without which entry into the hall may be denied.
  • Students, both boys and girls, should come to the college dressed up decently. They should adhere to the cultural values and ethos of the College.
  • Students are expected to be punctual to their respective classes. Late-comers will be admitted only in exceptional cases and with the permission of the HODs.
  • While moving from one class to another, strict silence must be observed.
  • Loitering on verandahs, corridors, and other passages is to be avoided as it disturbs the academic atmosphere in the campus.
  • Whenever students are free, they are expected to go to the library.
  • While inside the class, students should avoid unnecessary gossip, as this would disturb others’ attention, besides causing problems to the concerned teacher to focus on the subject.
  • Students are expected to read all the circulars put up on the Notice Board, and act accordingly.
  • Use of cell phones by students inside the classrooms is strictly prohibited. Cell phones can be confiscated, if students are found using them inside the classroom.
  • Possession of cell phones inside the examination hall is strictly banned. Bringing and keeping cash and other valuable items in their bags at the time of examinations will be at the students’ own risk.
  • Use of tobacco, cigarette, alcohol, and drugs inside the college campus is strictly prohibited.
  • Students are forbidden from organizing any meeting in the college or collecting money for any purpose without any prior permission of the Principal.
  • Students are strictly forbidden from participating in political agitation of any kind. If one is found to be doing so, punitive measures will be taken against him/her.
  • Students are not allowed to address any authority outside the College without the permission of the Principal. Without the knowledge of the Principal, students should not post any of the ‘supposed’ problems of the college on the social media.
  • Students found involved in violent behavior/group violence inside the campus, would be severely dealt with. Disciplinary action would be initiated against all those involved, which may lead to expulsion from the college.
Sr. No. Name of the member Post held Contact Photo
1 Bhagirathi Martolia President
2 Vice-President
3 Vice-President(Girl)
4 Secretary
5 Kamla Kathayat Joint Secretary
6 Kamla Treasurer
7 Chitra University Representative