There is an IQAC of our college to look after the issues of quality and innovative teaching methods of the faculty members. The faculty members constantly strive to achieve excellence in their respective fields. National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) committee for our college is going to be formed soon.

Members of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) are:

  1. Dr. Pradip Mondal (Coordinator)
  2. Mr. Rahul Pandey (member)
  3. Dr. Vanshidhar Upadhyay (member)
  4. Mr. Pankaj Pundir (member)
  5. Mr. Amit Kr. Tamta (member)
  6. Dr. Ravi Joshi (member)

Internal Quality Assurance Cell:

National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) has brought in new spirit into its process of assessment and accreditation. This has been attempted as a continuance of the NAAC‟s concern for ensuring that its processes are in tune with local, regional and global changes in higher education scenario. The main focus of the revision process has been to enhance the redeeming features of the accreditation process and make them more robust, objective, transparent and scalable as well as make it ICT enabled. It also has reduced duration of accreditation process. At present, the college is planning for accreditation process.

The basic purposes of the IQAC are:-

  1. a) To ensure continuous improvement in the entire operations of the institution, and
  2. b) To assure stakeholders connected with higher education – namely, students, parents, teachers, staff, would-be employers, funding agencies and society in general – of the accountability of the institution for its quality and probity.

Some of the functions of the IQAC are:

Development and application of quality benchmarks / parameters in various activities of the institution.

Dissemination of information on quality aspects.

Organization of discussions, workshops, seminars and promotion of quality circles.

Recording and monitoring quality measures of the institution.

Acting as a nodal agency of the institution for quality-related activities.

Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report and such other reports as may be decided from time to time.

The IQAC will prepare the Annual Quality Assurance Report [AQAR] by the end of every academic year.

Future Plans & Healthy Practices:

Action Plan of Internal Quality Assurance Cell:

Every department will submit its progress report to the Coordinator of IQAC on biannual basis (15th June and 15th December) every year.

Every department will get feedback from students on set questionnaires and act accordingly on the basis of information received. IQAC will also analyze that information and convey the findings to the Principal of the college.

Every department will discuss at least twice in a year (August and February) with parents and alumni at departmental level and adopt the suggestions. The departments will convey the proceedings of such meetings in writing to IQAC so that quality related targets may be met.

Every department will fix its annual targets regarding teaching days, examination results, publication of research papers and books, participation in seminars, conferences and workshops, organization of various activities like debates, quiz competition, guest lectures, seminars, conferences, workshops, etc. The departments will provide information about targets and achievements to IQAC and college administration. The departments will make every effort to achieve the target of minimum 180 teaching days in a year.

There should be emphasis upon the adoption of following best practices-

Regular role of Parents – Teachers and Alumni Associations at departmental level.

Regular technical training for non-teaching staff.

Unitization of syllabi and availability of plan of lectures to students.

Regular discussion of Principal and Coordinator of IQAC with various departments.

Regular role of students in the decisions relating activities of various departments.

Solution of problems through Tutor-Ward system at PG level.

Regular and systematic collection of information.

Preparation of plans and budgets through democratic procedure.

Activation of placement cells at departmental level.

IQAC will publish a handwritten magazine on half yearly basis and promote the best practices to improve the quality circles in the college.

Healthy Practices

In assessment of teachers and other employees for purpose of promotion, etc. due weight age is given to the overall performance. The regular academic programmes are considerably strengthened by self-financing courses in the college. At departmental level, efforts are made for placement of students. There is interaction with parents, old students and other distinguished citizens for discipline and development of the college. Involving students in various committees, the college takes decisions on democratic basis. Value based education is imparted through lectures by teachers and distinguished guests and through programmes aimed at inculcating such values in the students. Various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities including games & sports, debates, group discussions, quiz, seminars, etc. are regularly organized to develop all round personality of the learners at departmental as well as college level. The college annual magazine – PANCHACHULI is regularly published.